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Клуж-Напока, Astra Citelis PS01T2 № 181
  Клуж-НапокаAstra Citelis PS01T2 № 181  —  маршрут 3
Strada Ion Popescu Voitești

Автор: Frazzer · Брно           Дата: 12 сентября 2017 г., вторник

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Опубликовано 04.04.2018 00:27 MSK
Просмотров — 446

Подробная информация

Клуж-Напока, Astra Citelis PS01T2 № 181

Система:SC Compania de Transport Public Cluj-Napoca SA
Локация:Троллейбусные депо
Госномер:CJ-N 333
Модель:Astra Citelis PS01T2
Заводской №:5
Текущее состояние:Эксплуатируется

Параметры съёмки

Модель камеры:DMC-FZ38
Время съёмки:12.09.2017 12:00
Выдержка:1/400 с
Диафрагменное число:7.1
Чувствительность ISO:80
Компенсация экспозиции:–0.66 EV
Фокусное расстояние:11.1 мм
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Комментарии · 7

27.08.2020 20:49 MSK
mpelov · София
Фото: 90
Withdrawn after only 10 years of service, why?
+0 / –0
17.03.2021 12:27 MSK
Frazzer · Брно
Фото: 2087
It is a classic lifespan of a trolleybus ... without some major works done. And they obtained new articulated trolleybuses.
+1 / –0
04.05.2021 14:19 MSK
mpelov · София
Фото: 90
10 years is the typical lifespan of buses, trolleybuses have longer service lives. Even countries like Switzerland operate some of their trolleybuses for 30 years or longer.
+0 / –0
17.05.2021 12:28 MSK
Frazzer · Брно
Фото: 2087
Well yeah, however as these were made from bus chassis, sometimes not well adapted, there were often problems with axles etc., we have similar ones in Brno (articulated) and now after 12-14 years of service they are to be withdrawn, multiple often out of service due to mechanical failures. Furthermore, on low-floor chassis, major reconstruction works giving the vehicle a second or third life are technically imposible / financially very ineffective.
+0 / –0
20.05.2023 00:14 MSK
Andrei Andras · Брашов
Фото: 368
These were withdrawn due to the arrival of the new Trollinos. I say "due of" them because the city has committed to expanding the trolleybus network to electrify some bus lines. This didn't happen and they were faced with a surplus of trolleybuses. After public pressure, a few trolleybuses reappeared in service this year.
+0 / –0
20.05.2023 10:37 MSK
Yoojeen · Ярославль
Фото: 5
But why did the city abandon plans to expand the trolleybus network?
+0 / –0
20.05.2023 13:29 MSK
Andrei Andras · Брашов
Фото: 368
The right answer would be because of laziness.

Bus line 8 is now being converted into a trolleybus one. They only had to put in a few electric switches, modify some road markings and set up a station, in the rest trolleybuses will use the network of line 5. They started working in November 2022 and neither until today the trolleybuses don't run.
+1 / –0

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