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  ХальберштадтEsslingen GT4 № 168  —  маршрут 2
Klewitzstraße / Richard-Wagner-Straße

Автор: D.Möschke · Плауэн           Дата: 25 сентября 2020 г., пятница

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Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 26.09.2020 23:56 MSK
Просмотров — 1231

Подробная информация

Хальберштадт, Esslingen GT4 № 168

Депо/Парк:Хальберштадтский трамвай
Модель:Esslingen GT4
Заводской №:25987
Текущее состояние:Эксплуатируется
Примечание:До 2003 — Нордхаузен, 92; до ???? — 111; до 1994 — Фрайбург-в-Брайсгау, 111

Параметры съёмки

Модель камеры:Canon EOS 550D
Имя автора:Daniel Moeschke
Авторские права:Daniel Moeschke
Время съёмки:25.09.2020 09:41
Выдержка:1/250 с
Диафрагменное число:5.6
Чувствительность ISO:800
Фокусное расстояние:135 мм
Показать весь EXIF

Комментарии · 6

27.09.2020 20:04 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 17772 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
I see 167 an 168 out on Lines 1 & 2 in various photos. Is this a special trip?

Or is this a regular service? If this is regular service - why? And what happened to newer rolling stock that day?

+0 / –0
27.09.2020 21:34 MSK
Lada 2101 · Хемниц
Фото: 1043 · Перевод сайта (DE)
This is regular service. There was an accident with the Leoliner cars No. 1 and 5 on Tuesday:

Both cars are out of order until further notice. Because five trams are needed on a workday and there are only five Leoliner cars, since that the unique situation of at once two operating GT4 occurs! The current tram attraction in Germany...
+2 / –0
27.09.2020 22:00 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 17772 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
Thanks for an update. An unbelievable and unique situation. Esslingen GT4 were bound to show up at some point (and I understand they did unpredictably), since operation of 5 out 5 Leoliners was unsustainable.

I am tempted tp say that I am not surprised the accident happened in Halberstadt. I visited the system last year, and this operation was absolutely the worst tram operation in Germany. I am not sure if this was due to imminent closure of the system, or some local cultural phenomena - but the attitude within the company was like [i]no one cares[/i].

I just hope the accident will not bring the date of closure of the tram system, well... closer (
+0 / –0
02.10.2020 20:33 MSK
D.Möschke · Плауэн
Фото: 5968
Hello Yury,
sorry for late answer...yes, its like Lada 2101 have written. There was a accident and in this time the amount of regular passengers and tramsfans was 50/50. A lot of photographers are actual in Halberstadt to make pictures of this "event".
Here you see my video from this GT4-service:
+2 / –0
02.10.2020 20:43 MSK
Lada 2101 · Хемниц
Фото: 1043 · Перевод сайта (DE)
Specifically in the following week (October 5th to 9th) the trams in the city only run every 30 minutes due to a lack of staff at HVG company. Therefore no GT4 will be in use.
+2 / –0
03.10.2020 18:49 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 17772 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
Цитата (KT4Daniel, 02.10.2020):
> regular passengers and tramsfans was 50/50

Цитата (Lada 2101, 02.10.2020):
> run every 30 minutes due to a lack of staff at HVG company

Thanks for the info, Halberstadt operation is truly strange and unique in terms of positives and negatives...
+0 / –0

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