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Пхеньян — линия 2 — станция Самхын (Три Начала)
Станция метро "Самхын" [Samhŭng Station] / (삼흥)
Alek Sigley (Incredibly rare photo! The final metro station entrance photo to be added to the website.)

"I then pass Samhung subway station, a stop on the Pyongyang Metro. This station is the closest to the dormitory, and at only five to ten minutes’ walk away, it makes subway access quite convenient for the foreign students living in the Kim Il Sung University Foreign Student Dormitory. Foreign students are the only foreigners allowed to use the subway without the accompaniment of a guide, which is a nice privilege and a good way to save on transport costs versus taxis. I’ve used the subway a few times now already and it only costs 5 won each time (the exchange rate is about 8000 won for $1 USD), and trains arrive every five minutes or so. Samhung subway station is at peak hour especially a hive of activity, with streams of people going in and out, and people mulling around in the park just by the entrance, sitting on the benches or standing waiting around for friends and family. On the edge of the park is another stall selling snacks. Here you can get hamburgers, sausages, skewered quail eggs (a favourite of mine), and more."

Прислал Gamerdgl · Сан-Хосе           Дата: 12 июня 2018 г., вторник

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