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Суисун-Сити, Key System Bridge Unit № 187
  Суисун-СитиKey System Bridge Unit № 187 
Pantano Station
If I were to believe the man on the left of the photo, I would have taken the most life-threatening and dangerous action by taking a photo at that very spot. In all seriousness, he explained to me that crossing the track is extremely dangerous and forbidden and I had to leave there immediately, under his guidance... Of course I complied, but first took the photo...
Actually, it is a great pity: it concerns the original interurban line San Francisco — Sacramento with original material. A ride on the tram is more like an attraction in Disneyland...

Автор: focus1965 · Антверпен           Дата: 19 июня 2022 г., воскресенье

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Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 17.07.2022 15:21 MSK
Просмотров — 561

Подробная информация

Суисун-Сити, Key System Bridge Unit № 187

Депо/Парк:Western Railway Museum
Модель:Key System Bridge Unit
Текущее состояние:Эксплуатируется
Примечание:До 1988 — Область залива Сан-Франциско, 187; до 1959 — Key System

Параметры съёмки

Модель камеры:Canon EOS 80D
Время съёмки:19.06.2022 11:30
Выдержка:1/250 с
Диафрагменное число:20
Чувствительность ISO:250
Компенсация экспозиции:–1/3 EV
Фокусное расстояние:30 мм
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Комментарии · 3

17.07.2022 20:21 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 18087 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
> If I were to believe the man on the left of the photo, I would have taken the most life-threatening and dangerous action by taking a photo at that very spot. In all seriousness, he explained to me that crossing the track is extremely dangerous and forbidden and I had to leave there immediately, under his guidance... Of course I complied, but first took the photo...

Oh, God... I had exactly the same issue at this very spot two weeks later. I was able to cross the sacred track only because I established that I was a fellow railfan guest from another club, and they bent some rules out of solidarity. I have a clear photo from the same spot with no people in it. But even then I couldn't convince them to let me off the tram for a photo stop (even when they stopped the tram at other locations). So much for a heritage operation. They are scared of insurance regulations more than the love trams, a plague at many US museums these days.

> Actually, it is a great pity: it concerns the original interurban line San Francisco — Sacramento with original material. A ride on the tram is more like an attraction in Disneyland...

In this case it is my turn to say - this is all a matter of perception. I actually liked this museum operation the most. This is perhaps one of the best right-of-ways any museum in the US operates, and definitely the best in California. The line continues for 9,5 km and goes through the genuine undeveloped Californian landscape. While the official speed limit is 56 km/h, we did accelerate to about 70 km/h. Key System cars are very unique and look somewhat organic in this interurban setting. I genuinely enjoyed that ride. And the best photos can be taken by following the tram with your own car, as there are a few opportunities for good photos at railroad crossing, and from the road that parallels the track.

Btw., 187 managed to break down following your trip ), and they had a twin car 182 out on the day of my visit. The latter car is almost never used. This way we have photos of different equipment on the line. I am jealous with regard to 4001 though. They didn't run 4001 when I visited due to... what else, staffing shortages.

Have fan / fun.
+7 / –0
17.07.2022 22:15 MSK
focus1965 · Антверпен
Фото: 7679 · Общий редактор / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
Quote (Ymtram (Yury LRTA), 17.07.2022):
> But even then I couldn't convince them to let me off the tram for a photo stop (even when they stopped the tram at other locations). So much for a heritage operation. They are scared of insurance regulations more than the love trams, a plague at many US museums these days.

> And the best photos can be taken by following the tram with your own car, as there are a few opportunities for good photos at railroad crossing, and from the road that parallels the track.

I know that too but it is difficult when you don't have a car available. Then you depend on the goodness of the local museum line whether I will come home with nice or boring photos. Fortunately, I have succeeded elsewhere (also without a car) in having my wishes met.
> Btw., 187 managed to break down following your trip ), and they had a twin car 182 out on the day of my visit. The latter car is almost never used. This way we have photos of different equipment on the line. I am jealous with regard to 4001 though. They didn't run 4001 when I visited due to... what else, staffing shortages.

The 4001 did not run during my visit either: this tram was simply driven out of the depot, without being used that day.
Their collection is so extensive that they have enough vehicles to alternate weekly.
I am also very enthusiastic about the route and the material, but actually there is much more besides. Like everywhere: a shortage of volunteers makes it almost impossible to offer more than is currently the case.
+4 / –0
31.07.2022 18:34 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 18087 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
As promised, my version of events from 2 weeks later:

Granted the photo via the link does not depict me crossing the track. It is just that photo from the western side of the tracks came out somewhat better. Photos from the eastern side that include crossing the track can be provided on demand )
+2 / –0

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