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Береговой трамвай, BN/ACEC type 6100 8-axle № 6102
  Береговой трамвай BN/ACEC type 6100 8-axle № 6102 
Nieuwpoort, Elisalaan

Автор: František Vaňásek · Пльзень           Дата: 24 июля 2022 г., воскресенье


Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 13.08.2022 10:22 MSK
Просмотров — 468

Подробная информация


Береговой трамвай, BN/ACEC type 6100 8-axle № 6102

Депо/Парк:De Lijn
Модель:BN/ACEC type 6100 8-axle
Текущее состояние:Перенумерован/передан в пределах города (18.09.2023) Не эксплуатируется
Примечание:До 01.01.1991 — N.M.V.B.; до 1983 — линейный. С 18.09.2023 — TTO
Initially this was a presentation vehicle on behalf of the manufacturer, who installed a middle section on his own initiative and at his own expense. The tram was planned to move to the Charleroi network.
This never happened. In its career, the tram has usually only transported passengers till 1983 and usually served since then as a service vehicle, even the tram could carry passengers till the summer of 2003. It is only then that the ticket equipment was removed. In practice, this tram was no longer used in the regular passenger service after 1983.

Комментарии · 1

01.10.2022 22:19 MSK
focus1965 · Антверпен
Фото: 7636 · Общий редактор / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
An interesting and remarkable photo for several reasons.

1. One must already be at the right time and place to shoot the reason for this tram's existence: towing off a broken tram.

2. Until recently, this tram was unsuitable for towing a CAF tram: the coupling was just a bit too high and the tram was rebuilt for this purpose. This too only got finished fairly recently (very shortly before the shooting). For these reasons, a low-floor tram from Antwerp had been transferred as a working car during this time.

All in all, an exceptional and interesting photo. Thanks for sharing it here.
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