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Глазго, GCT Standard № 33; Глазго — Старые фотографии
  Глазго GCT Standard № 33 
Старые фотографии
Reconditioned car of the Glasgow Corporation Tramways
Electric Railway Journal, vol. 72, no. 22 (12/1/1928), page 959

Прислал AlexSan · Одесса           Дата: 1928 г.


Опубликовано 28.06.2019 17:00 MSK
Просмотров — 488

Подробная информация

Глазго, GCT Standard № 33

Депо/Парк:Old Tramway
Модель:GCT Standard
Текущее состояние:Списан

Комментарии · 4

28.09.2020 17:32 MSK
mpelov · София
Фото: 90
Isn't this a GCT Standard tram?
+0 / –0
28.09.2020 22:02 MSK
focus1965 · Антверпен
Фото: 7697 · Общий редактор / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
Probably. The question remains how 'standard tram' should be described.

These 'standard' trams received various upgrades during their careers and also underwent a number of changes.

Whether they used different types of trams in Glasgow (after changes) is unknown to me.
A book, with the history of the tram company, would already solve a number of questions. I don't have a book about this and the Wiki page is far from complete.
+0 / –0
06.10.2020 20:02 MSK
mpelov · София
Фото: 90
'Standard' are the trams built in the GCT workshops between 1898 and 1924 to a similar design. I can't find anywhere a different designation being used for these trams which makes me think that even after the various upgrades they were still considered 'Standard' trams. Since we have a tram model 'GCT Standard' on this website I think it's best to designate all trams of the type as such.
Спасибо! Комментарий учтён
+0 / –0
06.10.2020 22:03 MSK
focus1965 · Антверпен
Фото: 7697 · Общий редактор / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
Thank you for searching. I will correct it.
+0 / –0

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