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Хамхын, Sinhungho (original) № 125
  Хамхын Sinhungho (original) № 125 
Улица Чонсон [Jongsong Street]
Photo: Hampshire Jon

Прислал Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд           Дата: 22 октября 2015 г., четверг

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Опубликовано 29.11.2020 10:33 MSK
Просмотров — 1364

Подробная информация

Хамхын, Sinhungho (original) № 125

Депо/Парк:Hoeyang Depot (회양)
Модель:Sinhungho (original)
Текущее состояние:Местонахождение и судьба неизвестны
Fotolink (22.10.2015):

Комментарии · 5

31.03.2021 01:49 MSK
Gamerdgl · Сан-Хосе
Фото: 66 · Общий редактор / Перевод сайта (FR/EN)
This picture contains a lot of information. The name of the central bus stops in this area are Seomundong. There is a confirmed route between Hoiyang and Deokseong. Additionally, the bus stop on the right-hand side ONLY shows the Hoiyang-Deokseong route. Based on this picture, and also the fact that there are no bus stops in the central segment (despite being wired), I think this suggests that there are actually two separate, unconnected trolleybus routes in Hamhung. Also, in every single picture in front of the railway station, the buses are only ever on the route Heungdeok - Yeokcheon. Nothing suggests a southern branch, either. The information is all contained in the map I made.
+0 / –0
31.03.2021 03:36 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 18139 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
Thanks for the info. The fact that there were two separate trolleybus services in Hamhung was more or less known (even though there is a non-revenue connection between the two lines).

The question that is not clear in Hamhung is the existence of the second branch in the south of the system in the past - to Unjung and Ryongsong. The two branches are shown on the following map:

This was derived from satellite images that show a clear and consistent pattern of poles on both sides of the road through Unjung to Ryongsong. However, the pattern disappears in Ryongsong. Early images in Google Earth from 2007-2009 suggest a possible loop with a few leftover overhead support poles in an unlikely location next to what looks like a stadium or a mass parade grounds:

Keep in mind that the known loop near the Main Railway station in Hamhung is similarly 'hidden' in the backyard of buildings.
+0 / –0
31.03.2021 05:32 MSK
Gamerdgl · Сан-Хосе
Фото: 66 · Общий редактор / Перевод сайта (FR/EN)
Quote (Yury LRTA, 30.03.2021):
> unlikely location

I don't buy it, without either a verifiable image of electrical lines in that segment, or a bus with destination sign Ryongsung. If it ever existed, it certainly has been taken down. At least Ryongsong is a railway station, so it's semi plausible, with satellite imagery only it is easy to imagine things.

On a separate note I was able to verify a regular bus route in Pyongyang that seems to exist unchanged since 1989. I assume the route number hasn't changed, which would make it route 10.,...3m1!1e3 The turnaround loop in central pyongyang is a little elusive, I guess. I have found other bus routes but never one that seems to match with the old map so directly that I can be confident in the route number. Do you know of any websites that track regular bus routes?
+0 / –0
31.03.2021 05:52 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 18139 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
Цитата (Gamerdgl, 30.03.2021):
> If it ever existed, it certainly has been taken down.

Yes, in any case this line existed in the past, and certainly doesn't exist / not operated anymore. The suspected poles line up almost perfectly within the following segment of the road:!3e0
In all other similar cases it is a sure sign of a (former) trolleybus line. Sometimes we settle for less when we identify trolleybus lines ) I wish I could find a ground level photo of these poles - this road is frequented by foreigners b's of the narrow gauge railroad line nearby. The location of the loop near the stadium that I provided earlier is rather a stretch, I agree. I don't see any other option around Ryongsong.

Sorry, I don't know any websites that track bus routes.
+1 / –0
24.11.2021 00:40 MSK
Gamerdgl · Сан-Хосе
Фото: 66 · Общий редактор / Перевод сайта (FR/EN)
Quote (Yury LRTA, 30.03.2021):
> Sorry, I don't know any websites that track bus routes.
+0 / –0

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