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Доха — Msheireb Tram — Линия и инфраструктура
Msheireb Tram Depot
During Ramadan trams enter the Depot around midnight.
Depot's gates are opened in anticipation of arriving trams.
The Depot is located on the ground floor of a regular multi-story building.
• • •
Во время Рамадана вагоны заходят в депо в полночь.
Ворота депо открыты в ожидании трамваев.
Депо расположено на первом этаже обыкновенного многоэтажного здания.

Автор: Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд           Дата: 11 апреля 2023 г., вторник

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Опубликовано 21.05.2023 19:13 MSK
Просмотров — 321

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Модель камеры:iPhone SE (2nd generation)
Время съёмки:11.04.2023 23:39
Выдержка:1/25 с
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Чувствительность ISO:320
Фокусное расстояние:3.99 мм
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Комментарии · 5

21.05.2023 19:13 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 17827 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
Trams are considered somewhat of a local attraction, but depot access is restricted. A visit to the depot can be arranged during certain hours by visiting the offices in the lobby of the adjacent building, there are even signs posted to that account. However, the easier option is to go to the depot for the pull-in of cars, and just chat with the personnel. All serviceman are professionals hired out from the metro operator in Manila, Philippines.

• • •

Трамваи считаются местной достопримечательностью, однако доступ в депо ограничен. Посещение депо можно организовать в определенные часы, посетив офис в вестибюле соседнего здания, на этот счтёт даже вывешен соотв. указатель. Однако, более простой вариант — подойти в депо к заходу вагонов, и просто пообщаться с персоналом. Весь обслуживающий персонал - специально нанятые профессионалы, сотрудники метро из Манилы, Филиппины.
+6 / –0
22.05.2023 01:04 MSK
Matti · Франкфурт-на-Майне
Фото: 249
When we stopped in Doha on our way to Calcutta in February and took pictures in the area of the Msheireb line depot, there was a funny situation. A security man was a bit suspicious of the two photographers and probably phoned for help. In any case, a friendly gentleman in civilian clothes suddenly appeared and asked us what we were doing there. I have no idea if this man was a city-, police-, or Secret Service employee. In any case, everything was fine after we explained our motivation to him and also showed a few pictures on the camera. Somehow we got to talking about the depot and that we would like to see it from inside. The gentleman immediately has the telephone number ready, called there and a short time later the technical manager, a young engineer from Istanbul, came out onto the street and then led us through the small depot and answered all our questions in a very friendly manner. At that time (it was a Monday) the service started at 10:00 hours with one tram and at 12:00 hours the second tram came into service.
+4 / –0
22.05.2023 01:19 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 17827 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
Цитата (Matti, 21.05.2023):
> a friendly gentleman
> called there and a short time later the technical manager, a young engineer from Istanbul, came out onto the street and then led us through the small depot and answered all our questions
> in a very friendly manner

Very Doha-like experience, I confirm 100%, similar engagements happened to me as well ) Key operative word being 'friendly'.

I thought the Doha - Calcutta tour in February was officially organized. Did you have any depot visits of any of the 3 systems? Especially Lusail Tram and Education City Tram? Any valuable information there? Thanks.
+1 / –0
22.05.2023 03:32 MSK
Фото: 1685
Я многое в своей жизни видел, но вот трамвайное депо на первом этаже жилого дома.... Это в новинку...
I saw many things in my life, but tram depot on living house first floor.... It's new to me...
+1 / –0
23.05.2023 01:07 MSK
Matti · Франкфурт-на-Майне
Фото: 249
Yes, I was a participant in a trip to Kolkata organized by a German travel agency. However, I only booked the pure "tram program" (special foto trips + depot visits) in Calcutta and booked flights and hotels myself. That was considerably cheaper. However, I then visited Doha without the group. In this respect, I was not able to take part in the tour of the Lusail tram depot. That's why I wasn't able to take any photos of the Lusail tram. I have to postpone that until the next visit when the route is extended above ground. I didn't see the Education City tram depot either, but I don't think I missed much there.
+1 / –0

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