TransPhotoTransportul electric urban

Saint-Etienne, trolleybus nr. 409

Numărul de înmatriculare:STAS Tr 409
Oraș:Saint-Etienne   France
Depoul:Les Transports Urbains de l'Agglomération de St-Étienne
Model:Berliet ER100
Anul construcției:1978
Numărul de serie:139
Starea actuală: Withdrawn 
Funcție:Passenger vehicle
S-a retras:1999
Observație:Verze / Version "R"
Trolejbus nové generace — ER100 vznikl na základě požadavku francouzských provozovatelů trolejbusové dopravy,
kteří po zániku společnosti VETRA hledali náhradního výrobce tak, aby v průběhu 70. let mohli obnovit své stárnoucí flotily vozů.
Nový typ vznikl pod firmou Berliet, a to odvozením od autobusu PR100. V průběhu výroby se pak Berliet dostal pod koncern Renault.
Krom jiného se trolejbusy vzájemně lišily i použitou elektrickou výzbrojí — modely s "R" v typovém označení tj. ER100R disponovaly klasickou odporovou výzbrojí.
Písmeno "H" pak značilo u typu ER100H moderní výzbroj s polovodiči.

The new generation trolleybus — ER100 was created at the request of French trolleybus operators who, after the demise of VETRA,
were looking for a replacement manufacturer so that they could renew their aging vehicles fleets during the 1970s.
The new type was created under the Berliet company, deriving from the PR100 bus. During production, Berliet then came under the Renault concern.
Among other things, the trolleybuses also differed from each other in their electrical equipment — models with "R" in the type designation, i.e. ER100R had classic resistance equipment.
The letter "H" then denoted the ER100H modern equipment with semiconductors.

  1999 yr.    Withdrawn

  1979 yr.    Arrived at the facility


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