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Сан-Франциско, область залива, Flyer E800 № 5342
  Сан-Франциско, область залива Flyer E800 № 5342  —  маршрут 9
Ferries terminus
Until around 1990 the terminus described on blinds as "Ferries" was a turning area on the east side of Steuart Street, roughly where Don Chee Way is now.
It had four loops for trolleybuses and at least one motor bus line turned there as well.
It was removed as part of the general reconstruction of the Embarcadero and the F Line extension, the lines affected being dispersed to other locations.

Line 9 as a trolleybus operation in particular seems to have been lost to history, I haven't yet found a map old enough to show it.
Today it is the San Bruno motor bus line.

The structure behind is the Embarcadero Freeway, completed in 1959 when everyone thought that more roads were the answer to everything.
Thoroughly disliked by many San Franciscans it was severely damaged by the 1989 earthquake and had to be closed.
To everyone's amazement, traffic on the surrounding roads decreased.
So the decision was made to pull the whole thing down and redevelop the Embarcadero into the pleasant thoroughfare that it is today.

Author Mega Anorak

Прислал reshz · Дармштадт           Дата: Ноябрь 1981 г.


Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 22.01.2023 00:14 MSK
Просмотров — 209

Подробная информация

Сан-Франциско, область залива, Flyer E800 № 5342

Депо/Парк:San Francisco Municipal Railway
Модель:Flyer E800
Текущее состояние:Списан
списан до 1997

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