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Кобе, Kobe Subway Type 1000 № 1604
  Кобе Kobe Subway Type 1000 № 1604 
 Kobe Subway Type 1000 № 1504 
 Kobe Subway Type 1000 № 1404 
 Kobe Subway Type 1000 № 1304 

Автор: wideisland582 · Токио           Дата: 6 июля 2018 г., пятница

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Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 29.03.2023 20:35 MSK
Просмотров — 304

Подробная информация

Кобе, Kobe Subway Type 1000 № 1604

Депо/Парк:Депо Миодани (名谷車両基地)
Модель:Kobe Subway Type 1000
Текущее состояние:Списан (06.2020)

Параметры съёмки

Модель камеры:PENTAX K-3 II
Время съёмки:06.07.2018 10:42
Выдержка:1/800 с
Диафрагменное число:3.2
Чувствительность ISO:800
Фокусное расстояние:115 мм
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Комментарии · 2

29.03.2023 21:00 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 18159 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
> Kobe Subway Type 1000

I would like to voice an objection to filing rolling stock models under 'Type xxxx', which is sometimes popular in case of Japan. All trams and trains have manufacturers, and very basic research could yield that information easily. Filing vehicles under 'Type xxxx' is a shortcut to save time. Unfortunately, it is extra work and loss of time for editors who need to edit incorrectly filed database information later.

We at Transphoto take our database seriously. Please do the research before filing vehicles in the database.

Thanks for understanding.
+3 / –0
31.03.2023 09:46 MSK
wideisland582 · Токио
Фото: 212
Thank you for your comment.
Basically I have chosen 'Type xxxx' which already exist, so I would discuss with editor what is appropriate way to explain vehicles.
For this series, based on your comment, I think "Kawasaki 1000 series(Kobe city subway)" would be better.

Also let me explain about circumstances of vehicle procurement in Japan.
Unlike other countries, Japanese train manufactures still don't sell trains as catalogue model such as 'Kawasaki ****' or 'Nippon Sharyo ****' to domestic market. All models are introduced by 'Operator name's ****' type/series from any media in Japan because operator have strong power with own design department.
An example of a few exception is "Little dancer" trams made by Alna Sharyo. However almost all other models are tailor made and sometimes to be manufactured by several manufactures.

For example, Tokyo metro 6000 series were made by Nippon Sharyo/Kawasaki/Kinki Sharyo/Kisha Kaisha/Tokyu Car even though Tokyo metro only had 35 train sets.
Also Osaka metro 20 series were made by Nippon Sharyo/Kawasaki/Kinki Sharyo/Tokyu Car/Alna Koki/Hitachi.
For those projects, manufactures share drawings to built trains so they are treat as same series even if the manufacture will be different in next order.
That is why Japanese trains are not categorized by manufacture's series.

I, with a wish to contribute to Transphoto for worlds's best database including information of Japanese trains, would highly appreciate for your comment and I will try to as much as possible to follow suggestion.
If there is any other opinion or suggestion to express better way for vehicles, I would appreciate to hear that.

Thank you,
+1 / –0

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