TransPhotoГородской электротранспорт

Троллейбусные линии и инфраструктура

Сан-Франциско, область залива

637 КБ

Presidio Avenue / Sutter Street

Trolleybus overhead with the San Francisco skyline in the background. These wires are all used exclusively for non-revenue movements to the Presidio division.

9 августа 2021 г.
Автор: Gamerdgl

591 КБ

Van Ness Avenue

Photo by Jeffrey Tumlin, Director of Transportation of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

On his twitter account and the twitter account of the SFMTA you can see construction updates. Van Ness is getting dedicated center bus lanes with trolleybus wires, the last trolleybus on route 49 ran in 2016, it will once again run on the same route but with the new infrastructure when the construction is complete.

14 июля 2021 г.
Прислал Gamerdgl

708 КБ

Сан-Франциско, область залива,  Škoda 14TrSF  5476   —  маршрут 6
Сан-Франциско, область залива,  OM Peter Witt  1859  —  маршрут F

Market Street

The tram uses the same overhead line as the trolleybus, which can be clearly seen here.

25 сентября 2010 г.
Автор: Tatralover

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