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Комментарии к фотографиям из города Тинен


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Tučňák · Острава · 08.11.2023 04:00 MSK
Фото: 2062 · Фотомодератор / Локальный редактор — Острава / Перевод сайта (CS)
Напомнило мне пожар у нас в Остраве 4 года назад / it reminded me fire in Ostrava 4 years ago:
+0 / –0
НикНикович · 22.10.2023 07:36 MSK
Нет фотографий
Цитата (EL TIGRE, 21.10.2023):
> и ощущение что его подожгли умышленно.
Цитата (Kaamoos, 21.10.2023):
> Уже известна причина?

Скорее всего, причина всё та же, из-за которой горят электромобили/электробусы...
+2 / –1
focus1965 · Антверпен · 22.10.2023 00:30 MSK
Фото: 7627 · Общий редактор / Локальный редактор — Бельгия, Великобритания, Франция / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
It will take years to know who is responsible.
For experts, they can quickly find out where exactly the fire started: they can locate the exact spot.
This is when it becomes complex: the operation and construction of the devices that were there will be minutely examined.
This can then go in all directions. It could be a design fault (that one can find on any new device) or a manufacturing defect in a particular device, or an employee's faulty action.
These are very fascinating reports to read - and are also part of my work.
Even on National Geographic, you occasionally see such reports, how they can figure out the exact cause of a plane crash: once it was about 1 screw that they had forgotten to fit.
Of course, the claimant (Multiobus) will be reimbursed by its insurers.
We are obviously talking about many millions of euros here and it will be clear that they will search here until the truth is out and then the insurer of the responsible (firm) will have to reimburse everything to the other insurers.
I am convinced that they will find the exact cause.

To give you an idea: about Paris and the Bolloré Bluebus (149 in dead storage): they found the reason of the fire: the faulty positioning of the mylar insulating sheet placed between 2 adjacent cells in the battery.

This was an easy case, because the other (same buses) still exists.

In the case of Multiobus, they have an indication where the fire started, but why is still being figured out.
+6 / –0
Kaamoos · 21.10.2023 22:22 MSK
Нет фотографий
Офигеть! Уже известна причина?
+1 / –0
EL TIGRE · Бахмут · 21.10.2023 20:34 MSK
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да уж, жуткий пожар. и ощущение что его подожгли умышленно.
+1 / –1
MirZz · Санкт-Петербург · 20.10.2023 15:15 MSK
Фото: 123 · Локальный редактор — Сингапур
Цитата (Suv178, 20.10.2023):
> половина

+16 / –0
Suv178 · 20.10.2023 14:59 MSK
Нет фотографий
Какой страшный пожар был. Сгорело половина автобусов или электробусов
+6 / –0
tata · Красноярск · 20.10.2023 04:34 MSK
Фото: 24
Сочувствую всем людям (((
+3 / –0
focus1965 · Антверпен · 19.10.2023 22:37 MSK
Фото: 7627 · Общий редактор / Локальный редактор — Бельгия, Великобритания, Франция / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
This is certainly the case here. The preliminary investigation by the prosecution shows that the fire had no criminal cause, so the insurance should intervene here.
This concerns the building and its contents (machinery in the workshop, offices, etc.) and the modern buses. Whether the older buses were still insured against this risk, I cannot say for sure.
There is also income loss insurance, for the company and the owner. This is the reason for an immediate investigation by the public prosecutor's office as to whether it could be a criminal offence, which was clearly not the case here.
The staff, who are temporarily unemployed, will receive her regular salary thanks to unemployment compensation: here, it is clearly force majeure and the salary will continue to be paid by the government.
+13 / –0
Qwerty_qwertovich · Санкт-Петербург · 19.10.2023 17:19 MSK
Фото: 1873
Надеюсь, они были застрахованы
+3 / –0
NIK2011 · Витебск · 18.10.2023 20:57 MSK
Нет фотографий
Цитата (Неватролл, 18.10.2023):
> А почему он списан?

Депо Multiobus было полностью уничтожено пожаром. Все автобусы (13 электрических и 11 дизельных) полностью сгорели.
+13 / –0
Неватролл · Санкт-Петербург · 18.10.2023 20:48 MSK
Фото: 325 · Локальный редактор — Санкт-Петербург
А почему он списан?
+3 / –1