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Комментарии к фотографиям из города Марсель (троллейбус)


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panStomil · Калининград · 25.08.2023 03:54 MSK
Фото: 23
Цитата (Арсений, 14.04.2016):
> Спасибо за столь раритетные фотографии! Кстати, на некоторых фотографиях из стран Европы попадаются фотографии где маршрутные номера у трамваев, троллейбусов и автобусов бывают перечёркнуты, как на данном фото. Объясните, пожалуйста, что значит данное перечёркивание???
> P.S Заранее благодарю за ответ!
Это значит что это или укороченный или чуть отличающийся вариант маршрута 61. Как сейчас часто бывает 61 и 61а, а в те времена 61 и 61 перечёркнутый.
Иногда ещё бывало номер маршрута чёрным по белому и белым по чёрному-это варианты одного маршрута
+0 / –0
focus1965 · Антверпен · 28.06.2020 14:45 MSK
Фото: 7627 · Общий редактор / Локальный редактор — Бельгия, Великобритания, Франция / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
Trolleybuses have a shorter life cycle than trams. If they are in need of replacement and there are (as in France, Belgium) not enough producers who can bid, they will be replaced by buses. Over the years, emissions due to the use of fossil fuels have been greatly reduced (think the strict Euro standards) and hybrid and electric vehicles are on the rise.
In France there is a special way to finance new tram projects and a lot of cities have made use of this, including Marseille.
Of course, for a new tram route the busiest axles had to be used, and it was no coincidence that the last existing tram line and also trolleybuses were running there in Marseille.
It is therefore a combination of a number of circumstances that contributed to the replacement of part of the trolleybus network by new tram lines. It is certainly not a trend, although it was foreseen to do so in Ghent with trolleybus line 3: the trolleybus was replaced by a bus, but the tramway project still exists on paper...

The same story also applied to line 68: also a combination of circumstances.
It was always the busiest connection in Marseille and when the tram network was almost completely withdrawn in 1960, only part of line 68 remained.
A tunnel was built for this line for various reasons (crowds and differences in altitude) and thanks to this tunnel a lot of time was saved.
Before 1960 and the following years, a solution was sought for that very busy tram route and to be able to use that tunnel. They thought of buses and metro, but nothing was really realistic and the tram turned out to be the most logical solution and thus to stay.
In the end, it was only in 1966 that the decision was made to retain tram line 68 and, above all, to upgrade it. There were no other realistic options and certainly not if they wanted to continue using the tunnel.
Marseille also got a metro network, but as everywhere, this has its limits and the financial possibilities were and are not infinite. The two existing metro lines were and are regularly extended, but there will be no new lines. In that context, for the busiest connections a modern tram was chosen and therefore no new metro line.
+4 / –0
Арсений · Москва · 28.06.2020 11:54 MSK
Нет фотографий
I think all transport photographers have had the same situation, even once...

And can you explain the trend of trolleybus replacement by trams? I have a friend, he is a transport planner, and he told me, that tram is more expensive than trolleybus, because of huge cost rail infrastructure service. Also, because of rubber-tired vehicles weight, braking distances is shorter for trolleybuses than for trams, as a result one bus lane have capacity - 100 buses/trolleybuses per hour, and one tram lane can have capacity - 40 trams per hour... without any possibility to expand it.

And it means that tram can be the most commercially successful only in LRT version, with rear stops (every 800 m. - 1 km.), with one or maximum four routes per line, and with the heavier rails than standart tram rails, because LRT vehicles should have capacity more than bi-articulated buses... (it is approximately 320 passengers and more).

Is it true?

And can you tell me something about the last tram route in Marseilles (68), how it survived? Is it only because the tunnel section as a Boston green line and Pittsburgh LRT or because some other aspects?
+0 / –0
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд · 28.06.2020 02:17 MSK
Фото: 17861 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
> I asked him who he thought he was to come in the middle of my image with his stupid trolley bus

Great response ) Thanks, I am noting this down for a list of my possible responses in similar matters ))

A nice spot too, if I recall correctly - the only spot on the trolleybus system with a clear shot of the sea. I have a similar photo from 2003. Along with the last photos of Marseille's PCCs.
+4 / –0
Арсений · Москва · 14.04.2016 22:10 MSK
Нет фотографий
Спасибо за столь раритетные фотографии! Кстати, на некоторых фотографиях из стран Европы попадаются фотографии где маршрутные номера у трамваев, троллейбусов и автобусов бывают перечёркнуты, как на данном фото. Объясните, пожалуйста, что значит данное перечёркивание???

P.S Заранее благодарю за ответ!
+0 / –0
ПапаРомский · Харьков · 09.02.2013 23:00 MSK
Фото: 400
Да и не только в 3-й части но и в 1-й тоже много моментов где видна кс
+0 / –0
sewa · Шахты · 29.12.2012 15:27 MSK
Нет фотографий
Между прочим, в фильме "Такси-3" в начале отчётливо видна троллейбусная КС.
+0 / –0
sansanich · 12.03.2009 02:08 MSK
Фото: 1746
На заднем плане виднеется Средиземное Море.
+0 / –0
sansanich · 11.03.2009 14:30 MSK
Фото: 1746
Цитата (tavalex2007, 11.03.2009):
> А почему закрыли?

Троллейбусная система "мешала" строительству скоростного трамвая.
+0 / –0
tavalex2007 · Киев · 11.03.2009 02:09 MSK
Фото: 16890 · Локальный редактор — Хмельницкий
А почему закрыли?
+0 / –0
sansanich · 10.03.2009 19:30 MSK
Фото: 1746
Это фотография сделана за 15 дней до закрытия системы. Оставщиеся после закрытия 20 троллейбусов кажется ушли в Ереван.
+0 / –0
Леха. · Архангельск · 10.03.2009 17:53 MSK
Фото: 148
Похоже это Berliet ER100, но уже произведенный под брендом Renault
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