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GarfieldHR · 14.04.2024 14:38 MSK
Фото: 156 · Локальный редактор — Загреб, Осиек
After an unusual catch of KT4 on route 6, even more unusual thing appeared: TMK 2100 on route 7. A derailment of tram 2264 on route 17 occured at intersection of Savska and Vukovarska roads which caused a major service disruption. It caused a diversion of some routes towards Ljubljanica terminus, howewer this tram ran as route 7 instead. After the derailment was cleared, it returned to route 5.

TMK 2100 trams regularly cannot run on route 7 due to depot assignment: they are located in Trešnjevka, while route 7 is operated by Dubrava.
+8 / –0
GarfieldHR · 14.04.2024 14:24 MSK
Фото: 156 · Локальный редактор — Загреб, Осиек
Very unusual situation: Tatra KT4 from route 1 was transferred to route 6 in the morning. A few hours later it returned to route 1. Normally trams in Zagreb don't change their routes throughout the day.

Also, Tatra KT4 trams are a rare sight on route 6 (as they are inadequate, too small for one of the busiest routes), and routes 1 and 6 are operated by different depots, which meant that a tram from Trešnjevka depot appeared on route operated by Dubrava.

Same thing happened again with car 346 next day.

During the morning of shooting, a derailment had occured which caused a service disruption, howewer this was unrelated because routes 1 and 6 were not affected.
+4 / –0
Roberto.L. · 06.04.2024 08:21 MSK
Нет фотографий
This tram bogey is originaly from Tatra T4YU no.446.
+0 / –0
GarfieldHR · 27.03.2024 21:34 MSK
Фото: 156 · Локальный редактор — Загреб, Осиек
The tram pulled from route 7 (which I had shot an hour earlier) into the depot without passengers, apparently because it had heating on which could not be turned off. There was a local media article describing this problem, and it was the only Tatra T4 on route 7 that day.
+1 / –0
Roberto.L. · 07.03.2024 10:06 MSK
Нет фотографий
In front of 407+842 is 419+883 when they lost "Supersport" advertising.
+0 / –0
GarfieldHR · 02.03.2024 10:42 MSK
Фото: 156 · Локальный редактор — Загреб, Осиек
New livery, unlike other TMK 2100 trams it doesn't have black stripe around the windows. Reason for this is because the tram has received blue wrap instead of new paint after an ad was removed.
Some Tatra trams and a few TMK 2200 have also received blue wrap after having ads taken down because these were applied improperly and damaged the paint. Since January 2024 there are no longer any ads on Zagreb trams in service.
+0 / –0
Transspotter · Мюнхен · 16.02.2024 20:55 MSK
Фото: 969
Zitat (Koloběžka, 16.02.2024):
> Yeah, extremely rare, hah.

Yeah but it will not last long, since the funicular to Sljeme isn't really paying off. People aren't using it enough and it's very expensive...
+0 / –0
Koloběžka · Брно · 16.02.2024 19:30 MSK
Фото: 1498
Yeah, extremely rare, hah.
+0 / –0
I.L. · Загреб · 05.02.2024 17:25 MSK
Фото: 1074 · Корректор / Локальный редактор — Запорожье
Zbog sanacije Jadranskog mosta, odnosno zamjene prijelaznih naprava, a koja uvjetuje demontažu tramvajske pruge, od ponedjeljka, 29. kolovoza 2022. godine, do završetka radova, tramvajski promet Jadranskim mostom bit će obustavljen.
Tramvajska linija 7 prometovat će skraćeno do stajališta Savski gaj, a linija 14 prometovat će s Mihaljevca skraćeno do Savskog mosta.

• • •

Due to reconstruction of the Adriatic Bridge, from Monday, August 29, 2022 until the completion of the work, tram traffic on the Adriatic Bridge will be suspended.
Line 7 trams run to the Savski Gaj Stop, Line 14 trams run between the Mihaljevac and Savskі Most Stops.

• • •

В связи с ремонтом Адриатического моста, с 29 августа 2022 г. до завершения работ, прекращается движение трамваев по мосту.
Маршрут 7 сокращён до остановки "Savski gaj", маршрут 14 — до остановки "Savskі most".

Izvor • Source • Источник:
+3 / –0
GarfieldHR · 20.01.2024 22:03 MSK
Фото: 156 · Локальный редактор — Загреб, Осиек
Driver training. The "Bulls" usually cannot be seen on the streets during summers because they are not used in regular service then.
+0 / –0
Transspotter · Мюнхен · 17.01.2024 20:59 MSK
Фото: 969
Zitat (I.L., 17.01.2024):
> следите за дистанцией.

Правильно! это написано на каждом трамвае Татра и на каждом ТМК201. Авто может подлететь под трамвай...
+0 / –0
I.L. · Загреб · 17.01.2024 15:24 MSK
Фото: 1074 · Корректор / Локальный редактор — Запорожье
Quote (Jeka22, 17.01.2024):
> Знающие хорватский скажите пожалуйста перевод фразы

Дословно: следите за дистанцией.
+3 / –0
vladislav_izh · Ижевск · 17.01.2024 15:12 MSK
Фото: 52
По превью подумал, что в Москве татры на линию вернули XD
+10 / –1
Jeka22 · Орск · 17.01.2024 15:09 MSK
Фото: 344 · Локальный редактор — Новотроицк, Орск
На прицепе надпись следите за интервалом или переводчик криво перевел? просто такое ощущение что там надпись если переводится дословно то следите за выносом или как то так..
Знающие хорватский скажите пожалуйста перевод фразы.
+4 / –0
flyreflection · Москва · 16.01.2024 16:00 MSK
Фото: 3
Тележки очень интересные, посмотреть бы повнимательнее на них
+0 / –0
Дмитрий Максимов · Саратов · 16.01.2024 12:10 MSK
Фото: 5726
Вас обслуживает Филиал Загребский ГУП МОСГОРТРАНС (мосметро) :)))
+7 / –4
GarfieldHR · 14.01.2024 19:33 MSK
Фото: 156 · Локальный редактор — Загреб, Осиек
Last appearance of tram 208 on any other route besides route 2. Six days later it had an accident with a truck near Elka after which it was scrapped.
+0 / –0
GarfieldHR · 14.01.2024 00:40 MSK
Фото: 156 · Локальный редактор — Загреб, Осиек
Tatras have only recently started operating again as a substitute on workdays in case of maintenance or breakdowns of TMK 2300.
After the opening of cable car on 23 February 2022 route 15 was operated exclusively by low-floor trams (2300 and occasionally 2200 which is too large for this route), for this reason 2302 has been transferred to Dubrava depot. T4 cars did not appear there until November 2023, when suddenly one day trams 454 and 472 appeared. Since then, route 15 is either operated by both 2300, or one 2300 and one T4 (usually 472).
+4 / –0
Lada 2101 · Хемниц · 13.01.2024 23:54 MSK
Фото: 1043 · Перевод сайта (DE)
How often still operate Tatras on route 15?
+1 / –0
GarfieldHR · 10.01.2024 22:47 MSK
Фото: 156 · Локальный редактор — Загреб, Осиек
Unusually, the tram 453 on the photo has two numbers on the front. Reason for this was because it had an advertisement taken down, so the number in initial position underneath it was visible again. It ran as such for about three weeks until the lower number (smaller, added because of the ad) was removed.
+0 / –0
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