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Марракеш — Разные фотографии
Wuhan, China
15 Weilong G92 new trolleybuses of the Marakkesh order produced by Yangzijiang Automobile Group officially roll off the assembly line.
Only 10 will actually make it to Marakkesh.

15 новых троллейбусов Weilong G92 мараккешского заказа производства Yangzijiang Automobile Group официально сошли с конвейера.
Только 10 машин попадут в Мараккеш.


Прислал Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд           Дата: 23 августа 2016 г., вторник


Опубликовано 10.12.2022 05:53 MSK
Просмотров — 535

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Комментарии · 4

10.12.2022 11:17 MSK
Yoojeen · Ярославль
Фото: 5
А что стало с остальными 5?
+4 / –0
08.02.2023 09:40 MSK
jiachen · Сидней
Фото: 426 · Перевод сайта (CN)
At least 1 remained at the factory.

The orange one in the article below is one of these trolleybuses.

An original news article in 2016 stated that all 15 were handed over to the transport authourities of Marrakesh and were waiting shipment.

The current state of the trolleybus is unknown, as Yangzijiang had some form of financial mishap in 2017 and started going through bankruptcy proceedings by 2020. Reportedly, they are in ¥2.3 billion of debt. This would be why further trolleybuses were not bought from Yangzijiang.

Also, Dongfeng-Yangzijiang renamed itself back to Yangzijiang in 2016/03/31, so these are probably not called Dongfeng trolleybuses.
+0 / –0
20.03.2023 09:22 MSK
jiachen · Сидней
Фото: 426 · Перевод сайта (CN)

All 5 others are still at the factory. There is also one articulated trolleybus there, presumably for the other BRT line that wasn't built.
+1 / –0
20.03.2023 13:40 MSK
Yoojeen · Ярославль
Фото: 5
Цитата (jiachen, 20.03.2023):
> All 5 others are still at the factory.

Подольску на заметку)))
+3 / –0

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