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Чэнду, Четырёхосный моторный вагон № 文博号 (號博文)
  ЧэндуЧетырёхосный моторный вагон № 文博号 (號博文) 
Photo: André Knoerr

Прислал focus1965 · Антверпен           Дата: 1 октября 2016 г., суббота


Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 19.04.2023 22:16 MSK
Просмотров — 384

Подробная информация

Чэнду, Четырёхосный моторный вагон № 文博号

Депо/Парк:Историческая трамвайная линия
Второй номер:號博文
Модель:Четырёхосный моторный вагон
Текущее состояние:Эксплуатируется

Комментарии · 3

20.04.2023 01:09 MSK
jiachen · Сидней
Фото: 426 · Перевод сайта (CN)
+2 / –0
20.04.2023 22:36 MSK
focus1965 · Антверпен
Фото: 7627 · Общий редактор / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
Thanks for this link. I also looked at the Chinese version.

In all honesty, the distinction between reality and fantasy is paper-thin here.
About the English site: trams 1, 2 and 3 looks to be real: this is indeed number 3. But in what city is tram 1 running? Do you have any idea?

Then a short break in Anren. I did a quicly search, but found only this tram on different photos. Or: on the Chinese page you can see a depot with 2 exactly the same trams. I think the photo is made in Anren and then it's logical they have 2 of the same trams.

Back to the English site. Tram 4... maybe ok, but the 5th one looks to be photoshop. Maybe the photo is made in a filmstudio, but even then something is completely wrong. The 6th trams are in fact 2 different ones. One of them is a photoshop (other pantograph) of the 5th one...

We know that 1 or 2 trams exists in Anren.
The question is: do you have any idea where the other vehicles can be found?
The website also mentions modern trams.
Here, I suspect the design did not get beyond these websites.
Do you know if such trams were ever ordered / built / delivered?

I can enter this type of tram in the database, but for now it is of little desirability: I suspect they have 2 of these trams in Anren, but 1. there is no objective evidence and 2. perhaps they are similar and do not carry a number. About other places where these would run, we know nothing so far.
+1 / –0
21.04.2023 03:48 MSK
jiachen · Сидней
Фото: 426 · Перевод сайта (CN)
SMEST YG-1 runs in Changchun
It's partially visible on right side of this photo.

SMEST YG-2 is somewhere in Liaoning Province.

There are 2 YG-3; they carry 'names' instead of numbers in Anren.

YG-4,5,7 are those found on movie sets, but those are accessible to the public.

YG-6 is on a school somewhere in Beijing. It also has 'names' but I can't figure out which school has the tram.
Shows much of the retro tram projects. It shows their funicular design does exist, but hasn't been purchased anywhere.

I don't believe they have any produced LRT vehicles yet.
+1 / –0

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