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Брайтон и Хоув — Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Railway
This was the only tram in the world ever equipped with a lifeboat!

Photo: public domain, License-free.

Прислал focus1965 · Антверпен           Дата: 1898 г. (примерно)


Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 03.06.2023 00:32 MSK
Просмотров — 367

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Комментарии · 3

03.06.2023 01:20 MSK
Фото: 917
I saw this picture with description of that system about 35 years ago in any soviet technical magasine.
+7 / –0
03.06.2023 19:23 MSK
Хоббит · Москва
Фото: 129
Trams in Ohio.
+1 / –0
03.06.2023 23:41 MSK
focus1965 · Антверпен
Фото: 7627 · Общий редактор / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
Quote (Виктор Бергман, 03.06.2023):
> I saw this picture with description of that system about 35 years ago in any soviet technical magasine.

This will be slightly shorter for me, but it won't make much difference.
I think I also found it in a magazine or book somewhere. The town itself is anything but famous or interesting: there are 13 in a dozen of them.
Also, the fact that a tram once ran there and was later closed : there are plenty of cities like that.

It remains surprising that the existence of such an experiment in a remote and unknown town is known far outside of Brighton.

It has worked, without any accidents. Something similar was never built again, sadly...
+1 / –0

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