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Триест — Разные фотографии; Реклама и документация
Реклама и документация
Триест, Stazione Villa Opicina
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Автор: Lada 2101 · Хемниц           Дата: 17 августа 2021 г., вторник


Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 16.07.2023 09:52 MSK
Просмотров — 336

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Модель камеры:Canon EOS 700D
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Время съёмки:17.08.2021 09:54
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Комментарии · 1

16.07.2023 09:52 MSK
Lada 2101 · Хемниц
Фото: 1043 · Перевод сайта (DE)
Machine translation:

The citizens of Trieste, Opicina and the entire Carso remember, with infinite sadness, the passing of a great mutual friend on the fourth anniversary of his death.

Born in 1902, although by now old, the Tram of Opicina has continued undeterred to take care of millions of aficionados from Trieste and abroad over the years, taking them - like a good family man - every day by the hand and accompanying them to school, in the workshop or in the office while also combining many friendships and marriages.

Four years ago he had an accident. Apparently not deadly: a few dents, a couple of abrasions, some plastering to do and he could have been back on track in a short time.

But an infamous fate has unfortunately handed him over to a staff of doctors, who should and should withdraw their medical degree and assign them to do something else.

It would be appropriate to remember him on 16 August at 11.00 in Via Commerciale 180, where he was mortally wounded. It is not known whether the various Authorities will be present at the unveiling of the stele: knowing the bronze faces, we fear so. Since there is no "cemetery tavern" nearby, at the end of the ceremony, bystanders will be able to find comfort in one of the two adjacent osmize.


OPICINA - TRIESTE: 1902 - 2016

Opicina Defense Association
Via di Prosecco/Proseška ulica No. 12 Opicina/Opčine, Trieste/Trst 34151 - Tax Code 80028750323
Secretariat/Tajništvo: cell./mobitel 345-2366103- cell./mobitel 329-3865441
IBAN IT29 B089 2802 2000 1000 0044782
e-mail: [email protected]/-pec: [email protected] - ​​website/splet: https:
group/skupina facebook:
our contact person for public relations rag. Bruno Cavicchioli +39 348 3800475
+2 / –0

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